This software can be used to search for periodicities in the timing of earthquakes.
The software takes a catalog of earthquake events (such as the timings of earthquakes in Nepal), as well an upper and lower bound on the period, and from these computes and plots a Schuster spectrum.
First the program "Schuster_spectrum.m" computes the subset of periods to be considered (these lie between the two bounding periods).
Then, for each of these periods, the program "Schuster_test_log.m"
performs a Schuster test on the catalog, i.e., it looks at how much the timing of events in the catalog correlates with each periodicity, and computes the probability of observing such a level of correlation by chance (called the Schuster p-value).
The lower the Schuster p-value, the more likely the catalog exhibits that periodicity.
The program then plots the
spectrum of Schuster p-values, and as well as the significant detection levels.