InSAR Displacement Results
3/11/2011 (Mw 9.0), Tohoku-oki, Japan
Piyush Agram, Sang-Ho Yun and Eric Fielding
These co-seismic interferograms were processed using the ENVISAT and ALOS PALSAR data supplied by GEO GeoHazards supersites project. All data was processed using preliminary orbits and orbital ramps in the unwrapped products were corrected using GPS displacement data provided by the ARIA team at JPL and Caltech. Each interferogram represents the relative displacement in the Line-of-Sight direction from the imaging SAR sensor due to the EQ. We artificially wrap the displacement products to illustrate the finer structure of the displacement field.
Co-seismic Line-of-Sight displacment using ENVISAT data

(Click on image for kmz file)
Tohoku-oki EQ Envisat wrapped interferogram from descending track 189 (west), 347 (middle), and 74 (east) processed by JPL/Caltech ARIA project using ROI_PAC. Time spans of the interferometric pairs are 2011/03/10 - 2011/04/09 (west), 2011/02/19 - 2011/03/21 (middle), and 2011/03/02 - 2011/04/01 (east), respectively. One color cycle represents 50 cm of motion in the radar line of sight (approximately west at 41 degrees from the vertical). ESA VOR orbits were used for pre-quake scenes and POR orbits for post-quake scenes. Envisat data (c) 2011 ESA, supplied through the GEO Geohazards Supersite for the Tohoku-oki earthquake.
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Co-seismic Line-of-Sight displacement using ALOS data
(Left) Tohoku-oki EQ ALOS PALSAR interferogram from descending track 55 (east) and 56 (west) processed by JPL/Caltech ARIA project using ROI_PAC. Time spans of the interferometric pairs are 2010/09/18 - 2011/03/21 (east), and 2010/11/20 - 2011/04/07 (west), respectively. One color cycle represents 1 m of motion in the radar line of sight (approximately west at 36 degrees from the vertical). Scientific orbits were used for pre-quake scenes and preliminary orbits for post-quake scenes. ALOS PALSAR data (c) 2011 METI/JAXA, supplied through the GEO Geohazards Supersite for the Tohoku-oki earthquake.
(Right) Tohoku-oki EQ ALOS PALSAR interferogram from ascending tracks 400, 401, 402, 403 and 405 (east to west) processed by JPL/Caltech ARIA project using ROI_PAC. Time spans of the interferometric pairs are 2011/01/11 - 2011/04/13 (400), 2010/10/28 - 2011/03/15 (401), 2010/09/29 - 2011/04/01 (402), 2011/03/03 - 2011/04/18 (403), and 2011/02/19 - 2011/04/06 (405), respectively. One color cycle represents 1 m of motion in the radar line of sight (approximately east at 36 degrees from the vertical). Scientific orbits were used for pre-quake scenes and preliminary orbits for post-quake scenes. ALOS PALSAR data (c) 2011 METI/JAXA, supplied through the GEO Geohazards Supersite for the Tohoku-oki earthquake.
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