Non-Exclusive, Non-Transferable Software License Agreement for Research
The California Institute of Technology ("Caltech"), will provide you
("LICENSEE") a version of ("SOFTWARE"). By downloading the SOFTWARE from
this site, LICENSEE agrees to the following terms:
1. CALTECH agrees to grant a nonexclusive, non-transferable, royalty-free
license without the right to sublicense to LICENSEE, and LICENSEE agrees to
utilize the SOFTWARE for evaluation or noncommercial research purposes only.
LICENSEE agrees not to use the SOFTWARE for any commercial use, including
commercial research or consulting. LICENSEE agrees not to distribute the
SOFTWARE to any person external to the LICENSEE without the prior written
permission of CALTECH.
2. The SOFTWARE is experimental in nature and is being licensed "as is". The
license of the SOFTWARE does not include any technical support.
3. LICENSEE agrees to grant CALTECH a nonexclusive, non-transferable,
royalty-free license to any other software or information that
incorporates any part of the SOFTWARE for the purpose of research internal to
CALTECH, as well as any purpose for or on behalf of the United States
4. LICENSEE agrees that any person within the LICENSEE utilizing the
SOFTWARE will be advised of, and is subject to, the conditions in the
5. The SOFTWARE and/or related materials are provided "as-is" without
warranty of any kind including any warranties of performance or
merchantability or fitness for a particular use or purpose. In no event will
CALTECH be liable for any damages and/or costs, including but not limited to
incidental or consequential damages of any kind, including economic damage
or injury to property and lost profits, regardless of whether CALTECH shall
be advised, have reason to know, or in fact shall know of the possibility.
LICENSEE bears all risk relating to quality and performance of the software
and/or related materials.
6. This Agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of California,
and any action brought hereunder shall be within the state of California.
7. This Agreement will expire five (5) years from the date on which the
software is first received. Upon expiration, the LICENSEE will return any
remaining SOFTWARE and will delete local copies of the SOFTWARE.
8. LICENSEE shall acknowledge the use of the SOFTWARE in any publication in
which the SOFTWARE is used with a citation to "Kositsky, A. P. and J.-P. Avouac. Inverting Geodetic Time-Series
With a Principal Component Analysis-Based Inversion Method (PCAIM), J. Geophys. Res., doi:10.1029/2009JB006535 (2010)"