5MB |
variations in GPS time series from the Nepal Himalaya: Evaluation
of atmospheric effects and land-water storage variations
Bettinelli |
400k |
Diffusive loss
of matrix-sited He during vacuum cushing of mafic phenocrysts
Blard |
5MB |
deformation during the 2007 Mw 8.1 Solomon Islands megathrust
Briggs |
3MB |
exhumations of the Ranad schist: constraints from natural garnet
diffusion couples
Chapman |
10MB |
Body Wave Attenuation
Structure in Central Mexico
Chen |
3MB |
coupling on the Sumatra megathrust constrained from geodetic
and paleogeodetic measurements
Chlieh |
14MB |
Arching Tools and Data Management Capabilities
Chowdury |
3MB |
Applying "clumped
isotopes" thermometryto pedagoneic carbonates and speleothems
Daeron |
n/a |
of Earthquakes: Learning from simple mechanical models
Elbanna |
8MB |
Analysis of
High Rate GPS Data from the September 12 and 13 Strong Motion
Events off Sumatra
Genrich |
20MB |
of low-viscosity channel in the Northern Izu-Bonin subduction
system through the coupling of mantle flow and thermodynamics
and implications for melting in the wedge
Hebert |
42MB |
Is rapid exhumation
of the High Himalaya driven by ramp overthrusting, the formation
of mid-crustal duplex, or out-of-sequence thrusting associated
with channel flow?
Herman |
1MB |
isotope thermometry and paleoaltimetry of the Colorado Plateau
Huntington |
7MB |
Simple Elastic
Dislocation Models for Interseismic Deformation in Subduction
Kanda |
n/a |
Spectral element
modeling of spontaneous dynamic rupture and long-term slip
on rate and state faults
Kaneko |
11MB |
Influence of
heterogeneous coupling on the spatial pattern and recurrence
of seismic ruptures
Kaneko |
2MB |
Modeling Flat
Subduction Initiation and ACcretion of the Pelona Schist
Kidder |
3MB |
Flat Slab Subduction
at the Middle AMerican Subduction Zone in Central Mexico Determined
from Receiver Function Analysis
Kim |
17MB |
Mw 7.1 Duzce
Earthquake: Multiple datasets and implications about rupture
Konca |
21MB |
Rupture kinematics
of the 2007 South Sumatra Mw 8.4 earthquake
Konca |
3MB |
Component Analysis-Based Linear Time Series Inversion
Kositsky |
1MB |
of Recent Slip on the Sumatran Fault System
Kositsky |
19MB |
Earth Surface Dynamics with Optical Imagery
Leprince |
n/a |
Elastodynamic Simulations if Seismic and Aseismic Slip History
of a Planar Strike-Slip Fault
Liu |
n/a |
Pulse-like and
Crack-like ruptures in experiments mimicking crustal earthquakes
Lu |
2MB |
Geodynamic modeling of
subduction zones with low viscosity wedges: a recipe for
flat slabs onset
Manea |
18MB |
Postseismic, and Interseismic Deformation, and Elongate segmentation
Near the boundary of the 2004 and 2005 Sunda Megathrust Ruptures
Meltzner |
22MB |
Uplift and
Subsidence during the September 2007 Mentawai Earthquakes from
Field Observations
Meltzner |
19MB |
Constraints on Causes of Colorado Plateau Uplift
Milman-Barris |
4MB |
Rupture Directivities
of the 2003 Big Bear Sequence
Ortega |
2MB |
Towards the
Next Generation Model for Plate Coupling in Northern Chile
Ortega |
724k |
Seismic Experiments
in Southern Peru
Phillips |
86MB |
Cross Sections at 36' N-Death Valley Extensional Province to
Central California Offshore
Saleeby |
17MB |
Source characteristics
of the 2007 Pisco earthquake (Mw=8.0), Central Peru
Sladen |
2 parts
21MB | 7MB |
The dual
source of the 12 September 2007, Mw=7.9 Central Sumatra earthquake
Sladen |
3MB |
Software Tools
For Geodynamic Modeling and Analysis
Turner |
8MB |
U-Pb, 40Ar/39Ar
and (U-Th)/He ages of Iranian Tertiary volcanics: implications
for extensions-related volcanism and uplift of the Iranian
Verdel |
7MB |
Active megadetachment
beneath the western United States
Wernicke |
n/a |
High-rise buildings'
response under large subduction earthquakes
Yang |
2MB |
Testing aftershock
decaying model by using Taiwan earthquake catalog
Yu |
3MB |
Active tectonics around western
Yu |