8MB |
Slab Stress and Strain Rate as Constraints on Global Mantle Flow
Laura Alisic |
8MB |
Tomography of the Mojavian Lithosphere Viscosity from Space Geodetic data of the Landers and Hector Mine Earthquakes
Sylvan Barbot |
20MB |
APERS:Affine Parameters Estimation by Random Sampling A robust tie-points detection algorithm
Simon Beckouche |
40MB |
Three-Dimensional Dynamics of Slab Detachment Due to Ridge-Trench Collision
Erin Burkett |
164MB |
Rapid Exhumation of the Sierra Nevada in the Cretaceous Related to Shatsky Conjugate Rise
Robinson Cecil |
2MB |
Investigating frictional properties of the Longitudinal Valley fault from dynamic modeling of pre-and postseismicslip associated with the 2003, Mw 6.8 Chengkung earthquake
Shu-Hao Chang |
37MB |
3D attenuation and velocity structure of the Cocos subduction zone in Mexico
Ting Chen |
14MB |
Juan de Fuca Subduction Zone from a Mixture of Tomography and Waveform Modeling
Risheng Chu |
2MB |
Evidence for stong mechanical coupling and strong Indian lower crust beneath southern Tibet
Alex Copley
23MB |
A Mechanical analysis of the correlation between forearc morphology and frictional properties of megathrust
Nadaya Cubas |
14MB |
Preliminary modeling of the seismic structure of the central Mexico subduction zone
Sara Dougherty |
29MB |
Preliminary fault stip-rate estimate for the right-lateral Beng Co. strike-slip fault, base on Quaternary dating of displaced paleo-lake shorelines
James Hollingsworth |
13MB |
Extension during the 1957-84 Krafia Rift Crisis, NE Icelans, constrained by optical image matching
James Hollingsworth |
2MB |
Dynamic Slip Pulses in a 2D Slab and Implication for Low-velocity Fault Zone
Yihe Huang |
9MB |
A one dimensional model of Earth structure in the western United States from GPS observations of ocean tidal load
Takeo Ito |
19MB |
Bayesian Inversion of Finite Fault Models Using Open Ocean Tsunami Waveforms for the 2007 Mw 8 Pisco, Peru Earthquake
Junle Jiang |
5MB |
Evidence of a Collision between the Yucatan Block and Mexico in the Miocene
YoungHee Kim |
1MB |
Distribution of hydrous minerals in the Cocos oceanic crust inferred from receiver function analysis
YoungHee Kim |
2MB |
Outreach Activities - Highlights over past year and upcoming opportunites
Laurie Kovalenko |
1MB |
SubductionInitiation: Testable Predictions and Emerging Opportunities to Link Geological Observations to Modeling results
Wei Leng |
91MB |
COSI-Corr 2011 On-going studies and future developments
Sebastien Leprince |
18MB |
Post-Seismic deformation for 2010 Maule earthquake, Chile
Nina Lin |
16MB |
Source Properties of the January 2010 M7 Haiti Earthquake Estimated by Back Projection of Waves Recorded by the National Seismic Network of Venezuela and the Usarray
Lingsen Meng |
6MB |
Using Rupture-to-Rasters Simulations to Quantify Seismic Risk from the San Andreas Fault - Case Studies of Tall Steel Braced Frame Buildings
Ramses Mourhatch |
5MB |
Definitions of average stress drops for heterogeneous slip distribution: Implications to dynamic rupture process from eathquake energetics
Hiroyuki Noda |
10MB |
A Bayesian Approach for Apparent Inter-plate Coupling in the Central Andes Subduction Zone
Francisco Ortega |
The Fault Slip Record From Corals Above the Mentawai Segment of the Sumatran Subduction Zone
Belle Philibosian |
5MB |
Structure of the Subduction System in Southern Peru from Seismic Array Data
Kristin Phillips |
379MB |
Part 1. Sediment Burial and Exhumation of the Southern Sierra Nevada
Zorka Saleeby |
99MB |
Part 2. ... in Relation to Underlying Mantle Lithoshpere Removal
Zorka Saleeby |
2MB |
Using Rupture-to-Rasters Simulations to Quantify Seismic Risk from the San Andreas Fault - Case Studies of Tall Steel Moment Frame and Dual-System Buildings
Hemanth Siriki |
43MB |
Re-examining the Cause of Flat Subduction
Steve Skinner |
175MB |
Earthuqake source models to elucidate the seismic cycle the recent contribution of geodesy
Anthony Sladen |
4MB |
Sea level and vertical motion of continents from dynamic models since the Late Cretaceous
Sonja Spasojević |
1MB |
Evidence for new class of mantle upwellingsfrom dynamic models
Sonja Spasojević |
42MB |
Assessing stress levels on faults using clumped isotope thermometry of gouges and vein arrays
Erika Swanson |
29MB |
fully-dynamic vs Quasi-dynamic simulations of slip accumulation on faults with heterogeneous friction properties
Marion Thomas |
43MB |
Revised contemporary lacustrine carbonate temperature lapse rater for southwestern North America
Jeffrey Thompson |
71MB |
Source Model of 11th July, 2004 Zhongba Earthquake Revealed from the Joint Inversion of InSAR and Seismological data
Shengji Wei |
24MB |
3D Path Calibration for the 12/30/2009 Imperial Valley Earthquake
Shengji Wei |
4MB |
Crustal Deformation along the Nyainquentanglhe Detachment, Southern Tibet
Nneka Williams |
137MB |
Tectonic deformation along the Arakan megathrust, Myanmar (Burma)
Wang Yu